(IT) Established & Sons è un marchio iconico britannico che rappresenta tutto ciò che è innovativo nel design contemporaneo. Ha creato una collezione per le persone appassionate di design, presentando prodotti fantasiosi con stile e personalità. Terence Woodgate è un designer industriale specializzato in arredamento e illuminazione, è diventato noto per un approccio al design moderno ed elegante con un'attenzione ossessiva ai dettagli e alla produzione. Abbiamo avuto la fortuna di fotografare il tavolo Surface disegnato da Terence Woodgate & John Barnard per Established & Sons
(EN) Established & Sons is an iconic British brand representing all that is innovative in contemporary design.
It has built a collection for people who are passionate about design, presenting imaginative products with style and personality. Terence Woodgate is an industrial designer specializing in furniture and lighting, he has become known for an approach to modern and elegant design with an obsessive attention to detail and production. We had the luck to shoot the Surface Table, designd by Terence Woodgate & John Barnard for Established & Sons
It has built a collection for people who are passionate about design, presenting imaginative products with style and personality. Terence Woodgate is an industrial designer specializing in furniture and lighting, he has become known for an approach to modern and elegant design with an obsessive attention to detail and production. We had the luck to shoot the Surface Table, designd by Terence Woodgate & John Barnard for Established & Sons
(IT) Ecco un estratto dello Shooting
(EN) Here's an extract of the shooting
(EN) Here's an extract of the shooting

Portrait and Product photography - Terence Woodgate for Established & Sons

Portrait and Product photography - Terence Woodgate for Established & Sons

Portrait and Product photography - Terence Woodgate for Established & Sons
Dal Portfolio di / From the Portfolio of
Lorenzo Piano
Lorenzo Piano
#Sustainability Info:
(IT) Questo Incarico è stato realizzato completamente sfruttando mobilità sostenibile (pubblica).
(IT) Questo Incarico è stato realizzato completamente sfruttando mobilità sostenibile (pubblica).
Sono fotografo dal 2007. Ho lavorato con diverse aziende e architetti, aziende e privati per coprire tutti i tipi di fotografia
Sono il primo fotografo certificato Google nel centro-nord Italia da luglio 2012
La maggior parte dei miei tour virtuali sono raccolti nell'area dedicata al mio sito Web: Google Trusted Photographer Bologna
Il mio portfolio è disponibile presso Lorenzo Piano Professional Photographer Bologna
#Sustainability Info:
(EN) This assignment has been accomplished in total public mobility, using Trains and Metro.
(EN) This assignment has been accomplished in total public mobility, using Trains and Metro.
I'm an Photographer since 2007. I worked with several companies as well as Architects, Businesses and Individuals to cover all kind of Photography
I've been the first Google Trusted Photographer in Central North Italy since July 2012
Most of my Virtual Tours are collected in my website dedicated area: Google Trusted Photographer Bologna
My portfolio is available at Lorenzo Piano Professional Photographer Bologna
Most of my Virtual Tours are collected in my website dedicated area: Google Trusted Photographer Bologna
My portfolio is available at Lorenzo Piano Professional Photographer Bologna